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Is the Main Character Supposed to Be Me?

I saw that one coming.

One of the first things one person asked me about my book was if Evangeline Black, the main character, was supposed to be me.

Evangeline and I have a lot of things in common. We both have red hair, we both like art, and we both have a thing for pink stuff. However, in all fairness, I have stuff in common with all of my characters. There are bits and pieces of me inside each one. Evangeline only represents one facet of my personality. She's goofy and optimistic, but I've got other sides, too. Like Ben, I can be philosophical (where do you think he gets this stuff?), and like Kieran, I can be cynical, narcissistic, and a few other things, as well. Even Daniel is another part of me.

At the same time, they're different from me. For example, my hair is naturally the color of dead leaves. The only thing Evie and I have in common in looks is eye color. She has a different family life, different experiences, and different education.

As a writer, I'm not limited to living vicariously through only one character. I get to be all of them, and that's pretty sweet.

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